Mold and Sculpt your Sound Like Never Before with Seven Mic Positions
The ultimate orchestral brass library... 28GB, eight horns, six trumpets, six trombones and three tubas make up the colossal twenty-three-person ensemble recorded at London's Blackheath Great Concert Hall.

Auddict is very pleased to present the MASTER BRASS orchestral brass sample library, a twenty three person strong brass ensemble, recorded with painstaking care and detail. Included are French Horns, Trumpets, Trombones and Tubas.
The Master Brass library boasts no less then seven mic positions/perspectives to choose from and/or blend between, as well as multiple legato modes and intricately put together techniques and articulations, which highlight each instrument's particular capability and character.

This library was produced with the aims to yet again push sample libraries closer towards the flexibility and possibility of a real recording session. There are many aspects of the library reflecting this, including of course the seven mic position mixer, but also aspects such as true octave legato in the horns, true chords (crescendo and diminuendo) for all instruments included, an extra unusual but crucial mic position included (woodwind spots - more on this below), a fantastic high RR per dynamic layer staccato articulation, and more....

Mix between the perspectives; Decca tree sides and mid, flanks, room, woodwind spots, close ribbons and close LDCs, with the flexibility aimed at replicating a real scoring session. Now you have control over the different mic and perspective levels in the session, enabling you to morph your own sound in your scores, as if you were at the studio with the console at your fingertips.

You might have noticed that one of the perspectives included is "woodwind spots". While this is not a woodwind library, the mics that spot the woodwinds were set up and included in the recording. The reason for this, is that a lot of the brass sound bleeds heavily into the woodwind mics in scoring sessions, adding to the perceived depth of the sound, so whilst pushing to achieve the most versatile, we felt that this absolutely had to be included.
Stephen Barton,
(composer: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Titanfall, Titanfall 2)
"Cannot recommend Auddict’s libraries highly enough"


BUY NOW $450
Audio Demos

Take a listen below to some of the stunning audio demos created using this library. (MORE COMING SOON)

Video Demos

"Cannot recommend Auddict’s libraries highly enough"

Stephen Barton (composer: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Titanfall, Titanfall 2)

Horns (Octohorn)

No Legato
(allows polyphonic playing)
Legato - normal slurred legato (piano and forte dynamic layers crossfade-able)
Oct Legato - True octave legato
Fst Legato - Fast legato specially for fast playing
Stutter (a quick stuttered grace note before the main sustain)
Chords< - Crescendo major, minor and open 5th chords
Chords> - Diminuendo major, minor and open 5th chords
Staccato - Short notes, with up to 5RR per dynamic layer (three layers)


No Legato (allows polyphonic playing)
Legato - normal slurred legato  (piano and forte dynamic layers crossfade-able)
Fst Legato - Fast legato specially for fast playing
Flutter - Flutter tongue playing
Rips - Short trumpet rips
Chords< - Crescendo major, minor and open 5th chords
Chords> - Diminuendo major, minor and open 5th chords
Staccato - Short notes, with 7RR per dynamic layer (three layers)
Triple Tongue - A quick triple tongue attack on the played note


No Legato - (allows polyphonic playing)
Legato - normal slurred legato (piano and forte dynamic layers crossfade-able)
Fst Legato - Fast legato specially for fast playing
Staccato - Short detached notes (16 variations per note)
Flutter - Flutter tongued sustains
Rips - Rips up to the played note
Chords < - Crescendo major, minor and open 5th chords
Chords > - Diminuendo major, minor and open 5th chords


No Legato - (allows polyphonic playing)
Legato - normal slurred legato (piano and forte dynamic layers crossfade-able)
Staccato - Short detached notes (16 variations per note)
Rips - Rips up to the played note
Chords < - Crescendo major, minor and open 5th chords
Chords > - Diminuendo major, minor and open 5th chords


This instrument requires the FULL VERSION of Kontakt 4, or above (so it will also run in Kontakt 5 perfectly). The full version of Kontakt 4, is not the free "Kontakt Player", it is the full retail version which can be purchased from Native-Instruments' website.

The library itself is 28GB extracted, but please allow double this amount for the extraction process.

All prices shown are excluding VAT and/or other applicable sales taxes. These will be added during the checkout process.


If you have any questions, we'd love to hear from you - just create a support ticket below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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